In the vast expanse of existence, where stars twinkle and worlds pirouette, there lies an immutable and eternal realm. That realm is NOTHING.

NOTHING is not an absolute void; rather, it is the absence of all we know. It is not darkness, but the lack of light. Not silence, but the absence of sound. It is the interstice between thoughts, the pause between heartbeats.

Within NOTHING, there exists no time or space. No emotions or desires. No form or substance. It transcends human comprehension, a realm where words fade and concepts dissolve.

Some posit that NOTHING is the genesis of all, the primordial canvas before creation. Others perceive it as the ultimate destination, a complete dissolution into nothingness itself. Yet, in truth, NOTHING merely exists. It lacks purpose or meaning. It embodies both existence and nonexistence.

But NOTHING leaves us with some questions, without SOMETHING, NOTHING would be EVERYTHING? If NOTHING exists, is it SOMETHING? Well, there are some questions that simply can't be answered, NOTHING leaves us with lots of those...


Discovery the Riddle of Nothing in this Game, you have to clear the screen til' Nothing is left!

Updated 19 days ago
Published 24 days ago
AuthorSkur Developer
Made withConstruct
Tags2D, hard, nothiin, nothing, Simple
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsMouse, Touchscreen
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly, High-contrast